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How to make your packaging more accessible

In today's world...

Businesses are recognizing the importance of accessibility in their products and services.

With growing awareness of the need to accommodate people with disabilities and other unique needs, companies are working to ensure that their products and packaging are accessible to everyone.

Accessibility is not just about compliance with laws and regulations, but also about creating a more inclusive society where everyone can participate fully.

In this context, packaging plays a crucial role in making products accessible, as it is often the first point of contact between the customer and the product. Check out these tips on how to make your packaging more accessible.

Use clear and simple language

Using simple language in packaging is an effective way to make it accessible to a broader audience. It's crucial to keep in mind that not everyone has the same level of literacy or understanding of technical terms. Therefore, using plain language that is easy to read and understand is essential.

To achieve this, brands should avoid using jargon, technical terms, or complicated language. Instead, they should use simple words and short sentences. Additionally, using bullet points, images, and diagrams can help convey information more effectively.

Brands should focus on the purpose of the packaging and what it contains. They should communicate the essential information clearly, such as the product's name, usage instructions, and ingredients. This information should be prominently displayed and easy to find.

Using simple language in packaging is a crucial step in making it accessible to a broader audience. By avoiding jargon, using simple words and short sentences, and focusing on the essential information, brands can create packaging that is easy to understand and use for everyone.

Choose easy-to-open packaging

Making packaging easier to open is an effective way to make it more accessible, especially for people with disabilities or limited mobility. Brands can consider various design elements to make their packaging more accessible and user-friendly.

One approach is to use larger tabs or pull tabs that are easier to grip and pull. This design element can be particularly helpful for people with limited dexterity or strength. Additionally, using perforations or score lines can make it easier to tear open the packaging without requiring scissors or other tools.

Another approach is to use packaging that is resealable or has a reclosable feature. This design element can be beneficial for people who need to use the product in smaller quantities or who have difficulty opening and closing packaging repeatedly. It can also help prevent product waste and keep the product fresh for longer.

Brands can consider using packaging that is designed for one-handed use. This design element can be helpful for people who have limited mobility or use assistive devices.

For example, using packaging that can be opened with one hand or using a design that allows the user to hold the packaging while opening it can make it easier to use.

Making packaging easier to open is an important step in making it more accessible. By using larger tabs, perforations, score lines, resealable features, and designed for one-handed use, brands can create packaging that is more user-friendly and accessible to everyone.

Use high-contrast colors

Using high-contrast colors in packaging is an effective way to make it more accessible to people with vision impairments or color blindness. High-contrast colors create a clear distinction between different elements of the packaging, making it easier to read and understand.

To achieve this, brands can use colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, such as black and white, or yellow and blue. These color combinations create a high level of contrast, making it easier for people to distinguish between different elements of the packaging.

Brands should consider the font size and style used on the packaging. Using a larger font size and clear, easy-to-read fonts can also make the packaging more accessible to people with vision impairments. Every brand should ensure that the information on the packaging is presented logically and consistently. This can include using headings, bullet points, and clear labeling to help people identify different sections of the packaging.

Using high-contrast colors in packaging is another way to make packaging more accessible to people with vision impairments or color blindness.

By using colors that create a clear distinction between different elements of the packaging, using larger font sizes and clear fonts, and presenting information logically and consistently, brands can create packaging that is more user-friendly and accessible to everyone.

Consider braille or tactile labeling

For brands looking to make their products more accessible for people with visual impairments, braille or tactile labeling can be an effective solution. Braille is a system of raised dots that can be read with the fingertips, while tactile labeling involves using different textures or shapes to identify different products or sections of the packaging.

To incorporate braille into packaging, brands can use specialized printing techniques to create raised dots that spell out the product name or other essential information. This can be particularly helpful for people who rely on braille to navigate their surroundings and identify products independently.

Tactile labeling can also be used to make packaging more accessible. This can include using different textures or shapes to identify different products or sections of the packaging.

For example, using a raised triangle to indicate the opening of a package or a raised circle to indicate the product name can make it easier for people with visual impairments to identify and use the product independently.

Brands should ensure that the braille or tactile labeling is placed in a consistent location on the packaging to make it easier for people to find.

Additionally, using high-contrast colors and clear, easy-to-read fonts can also make the packaging more accessible to people with visual impairments.

By using specialized printing techniques, different textures or shapes, and placing the labeling in a consistent location, brands can create packaging that is more user-friendly and accessible to everyone.

Test your packaging

Before launching your product, test your packaging with a diverse group of people to ensure that it is easy to use for everyone. This can include people with disabilities, older adults, and children.

By making your packaging more accessible, you can ensure that your products are available to a wider audience and that everyone can enjoy them. It's important to remember that accessibility is not just a legal requirement, but also a moral obligation.

By taking steps to make your packaging more accessible, you can make a positive impact on people's lives and build a more inclusive society.

Making your packaging more accessible is not only the right thing to do, but it also makes good business sense.

Use Clear and Easy-to-Read Text

In addition to font size and style, there are other design elements that brands can consider when using clear and easy-to-read text on the packaging.

For example, using straightforward language can make the information on the packaging more accessible to people with cognitive disabilities or limited literacy skills.

Brands can consider the placement of the text on the packaging. Placing the text in a consistent location and using clear headings and labels can make it easier for people to find the information they need. Using pictograms or symbols can be helpful for people who have difficulty reading or understanding a text. Pictograms can be used to convey information quickly and clearly, such as indicating that a product is recyclable or that it contains allergens.

Brands can consider the language used on the packaging. Using multilingual labeling or providing translations can make the packaging more accessible to people who speak different languages or are not fluent in the language used on the packaging.

By using a font that is large enough to be read by people with visual impairments, using high-contrast colors, placing the text in a consistent location, using pictograms or symbols, and providing translations, brands can create packaging that is more user-friendly and accessible to people with different abilities and backgrounds.

Consider Ergonomic Design

In addition to grip pads or textured surfaces, there are other design elements that brands can consider when designing packaging for ergonomic use.

For instance, using a shape that fits comfortably in the user's hand can make it easier to hold and use the product. This can include using a curved shape that conforms to the user's hand or using a shape that is wider at the base and narrower at the top.

Brands can consider the weight of the packaging, as heavy packaging can be difficult to hold and use for people with limited strength or mobility. Using lightweight materials or designing the packaging to distribute the weight evenly can make it easier to handle.

Brands can consider the opening mechanism of the packaging. Using a design that requires minimal force or dexterity, such as a flip-top lid or a pull tab, can make it easier for people with limited hand strength or mobility to open the packaging.

Furthermore, brands can consider the environmental impact of their packaging. Using sustainable materials and designs that reduce waste can be beneficial for everyone, including people with disabilities who may have difficulty managing large amounts of packaging or waste.

By considering the shape, weight, opening mechanism, and environmental impact of the packaging, brands can create packaging that is comfortable and easy to use for people with different abilities.

Final Thoughts

Making your packaging more accessible is an important step towards creating a more inclusive and welcoming brand.

By using clear and easy-to-read text, including Braille or tactile markings, providing audio or video instructions, using easy-to-open packaging, considering ergonomic design, providing alternative packaging options, and conducting user testing, you can create packaging that is accessible to everyone.

Not only will this help you reach a wider audience, but it will also help you build customer loyalty and improve your brand's reputation.


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